
How to Choose a Web Designer ?

It seems that everyone, from a 15 year old to their grandmother, can build a website these days. However there is a huge difference between a personal website and a business website. I see people who, with the help of…

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Customer Satisfaction Survey

Customer satisfaction is the key ingredient to a successful business. Listening to your customers will help ensure that your business measures up to their expectations. With these valuable insights you will be able to identify your strengths and weakness, plan…

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Business Card Go Fishing !

The offline effort of business cards should focus on getting your website address out there for everyone to see. How do you broaden your reach by using this simple, but one of the most effective marketing tools? (Assuming that you…

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10 Ways To Use Business Cards

Include a business card with every product you ship. Agree to include cards of other business associates in your mailings with the agreement that they do the same for you. Selective sweets decoratively wrapped with a card attached makes a…

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Designing Business Cards 101

A business card can pack a powerful punch for the marketing dollars, if it doesn’t end up being tossed in the round filing bin. All the professions have their own opinion of what a business card should look like but…

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How to Design a Business Logo ?

A business logo can provide your company with a powerful image and give your business a polished, more professional look. Many companies choose to hire a professional to take on the creative work, but if you possess even the slightest…

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Internet Marketing with Sweat Equity

Think of your website as a home. You want to maintain the investment and add equity so you remodel the bathroom, re-face the kitchen cabinets, landscape, and perform upgrades you know in the long run will increase the value of…

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Email Marketing Do’s & Don’t’s

Advertising by email has many benefits over the more traditional forms of marketing; it is more cost efficient – the average cost of sending a single email is less than half of one cent, it has a higher response rate…

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Word of Mouse

The internet is the largest and most powerful resource available today. Since many of us do not have the resources available to hire a marketing agent, doesn’t mean we shouldn’t try to exploit that same strength. Setting aside some time…

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Helpful Online Marketing Tips

Advertising your business online is a cost effective and powerful marketing tool. I compare it to having a sales person that will work for your company 24/7 allowing consumers to learn more about your product or service when it’s convenient…

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